Why Coaching?

I always say life leads you where it wants you to go if you listen to your intuition and follow the signs and flow of energy.

2020 was a year where energy was completely in flux for so many of us, but, even in the flux, the signs and whispers were very clear. Change was coming and change was needed: Collectively, Personally, all over. It was about change and then after the shake up, it was all about leveling up.

Many of us were gifted with some extra time. I used that time to take some courses in areas I had been interested in but never seemed to have enough time to explore. I leveled up my fitness with the help of a coach and I leveled up my spiritual journey with a coach as well.

The more I worked with different coaches in different areas, the more I realized I was opening up to my next levels and tweaking my own GPS as I dug deeper into what made me tick, what didn’t make me tick, and what was holding me back.

I took a number of courses in coaching to see if I felt I had what I needed to help others as I had been helped. As I became more interested and knew it was something I really needed to do, I realized I wanted to work with one more coach who specialized in life coaching, as well as coaching coaches to do the same. Yes, coaches need coaching and the best ones know it.

This allowed me to level up even more and I uncovered my passion is to help others gain the confidence they need to succeed, just as I had to discover my own confidence and how to boost it in order to do all of the public things I do. I was such a shy child, teen, and even young adult but at some point I understood that if I wanted to live my dreams, I had to overcome that and stop standing in my own way.

I had to find the courage to say yes more and just go with it. I had to stop worrying about what other people thought or what could go wrong. I had to stop letting my fear and the fear of others prevent me from attaining my goals and living larger. That still takes work, but it is possible to overcome one step at a time.

I know that, just as I did it, I can help others to do the same in their lives to harness the power to step out of their own way and grab those dreams like they own them, because they do.

Since I work often with celebrities, I started to notice that everyone has an inner celebrity was all need to release and let play from time to time.

Now, I work with clients to connect them to their inner strength and build that confidence so they can unleash that inner celebrity to grab those moments they may let slip away if they didn’t have that level of confidence.

It’s a strategy that will be different for each person and often times we just need another set of eyes to magnify what’s going on and identify the areas we need to work on. The coach can be that magnifying glass and amplify our own GPS to get us where we need to be.

I love being that extra GPS boost so that a client can connect with their own natural guidance system in a way they couldn’t before. Once you peel away those layers that need work, It’s like your Wifi signal strength just multiplies.

For the new year, I’d like to extend a special so maybe more people can try it out or at least explore the possibilities. I’ll offer the initial consultation for a reduced rate of $100 for a limited number of people and for a limited time. Reach out if you’d like to discuss further and schedule an appointment so we can concentrate on you for a little while.

Happy 2022!

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