13 Fruitcakes is a Beautiful Tribute to the Sad Reality of LGBTQ history

The cast of 13 Fruitcakes by Theo Cote 2.jpg

We all know it hasn’t been easy for the LGBTQ community throughout history and we all know we still have a way to go with equal rights, acceptance, and progress but sometimes, I think we forget how truly difficult it was through time. For Pride Month, 2018 Tony Award-winning LA MAMA presented13 Fruitcakes, written and directed by BYUNGKOO AHN as part of Stonewall 50 at LA MAMA festival at the Ellen Stewart Theater (66 E. 4 St.) in Manhattan, it ran June 13-16.

BYUNGKOO AHN returns to La MaMa having previously directed a Korean adaptation of HAMLET in 2011, described by The New York Times critic as “Intense. The production creates a delicious mood of menace and is beguiling to watch, a reinterpretation with a dark mind all its own.”

2 - More Zimin -- 13 Fruitcakes by Theo Cote

13 FRUITCAKES is comprised of 13 musical vignettes, with beautiful original songs composed by Gihieh Lee; and lyrics by Lorca, Wilde, Whitman and other Queer Poets, with Electronic Music by Los Angeles Laptop Collective.

13 FRUITCAKES depicts the story of Orlando, a fictional character, who inspires and encourages people to start fighting against social injustice and oppression by telling them stories about great gay ancestors, highlighting 13 noteworthy LGBTQ+ figures and their impact throughout history:  from Eleanor Roosevelt to Hans Christian Andersen to Alan Turing to Leonardo da Vinci. The production cast is comprised of Korean actors – including ‘More’ Zimin, the most prominent drag performer in Korea.

5 - More Zimin -- 13 Fruitcakes by Theo Cote.jpg

As I said, it was a beautiful time filled with music, colors, dancing, and history. It felt like a drag show mixed with an opera with a touch of Cirque du Soleil. I could tell everyone was enjoying it by the gasps and applause after the numbers. If you have a chance to see it, I’d recommend it as a must see. Shout out to Theo Cote for the lovely pictures!

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